When Women Win is a global platform providing access to actionable knowledge, beneficial opportunities, and community support to enable women to win in career, business, and life.




Lagos, Nigeria


Be Bold For Change – Motola Oyebanjo

Three years ago, the theme for Women’s Day was ‘Bold for Change’. That year, I wrote an article about it. As I read through the article again recently (see here), it resonated with me in a new way.

I remember making a commitment that year to step out of my comfort zone, try new things and see if I can make a bigger impact in the world. That’s how WhenWomenWin was birthed.

Interestingly, I was the quiet one in the family and everyone knew to look for me in my room reading a good book. An uncle who relocated to the United States long ago came home recently and kept saying “Is this my Tola?” He was so surprised to see the lady he once knew as indoor lady organising a public event and even went as far to create a women movement. Don’t forget at WhenWomenWin, we expose women to useful knowledge on career and lifestyle as well as inspiring women to advance themselves. Also, we create and promote opportunities for women.

So here is my thought about life. BE BOLD FOR CHANGE. Be ready to take steps into uncharted territory to become a better version of yourself, to achieve your dreams or to make a difference in the world. It is often uncomfortable but it is the way to go if you hope to do amazing things.

I remember resigning from Unilever to join the British Council. My friends kept asking why I would take up a job where I would be paid much less for more work. I knew I wanted to learn new skills and build my network.

What bold action do you commit to today to see the change you seek tomorrow? Run for an office, start a new work routine or have an overdue conversation? Let us be bold for change.

Author: whewowin



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