When Women Win is a global platform providing access to actionable knowledge, beneficial opportunities, and community support to enable women to win in career, business, and life.




Lagos, Nigeria


When Women Win Welcomes Its 2022-2024 Advisory Board Members

Leaders in Development, Business, Education, Diversity and Sustainability Make up the Board Lagos Nigeria, 20th January 2023 – When Women Win, a social impact initiative for African women, has announced the formation of its 2022-2024 Advisory Board. Eight business and development leaders with a wealth of experience in diverse fields and industries including development, sustainability, […]

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure. It is: Try to please everybody. David Oswald

Digital Transformation Roadmap: Enablers

Most firms have set up a war room to triage their immediate response to the crisis. But the lack of visibility around future demand complicates efforts to restart stalled portfolio companies…

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